To New Beginnings…
Lezlee Westine
President & CEO, Personal Care Products Council
We will soon celebrate a new decade, just as the Personal Care Products Council’s (PCPC) 125th anniversary year comes to an end. So much has happened over the last decade and the last year. I remain incredibly proud to be a part of this industry and of the work of PCPC’s staff on behalf of our member companies and consumers around the world.
Our organization advocates for modern government policies, sound science and global access, while working to strengthen public trust in the beauty and personal care industry.
In 2019, we continued to work with policymakers and advocacy groups to modernize state and federal laws. I’ve shared my perspective on the importance of modernizing the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)’s regulatory structure for cosmetics. Our Executive Vice President of Global Advocacy, Francine Lamoriello, has written about how the Humane Cosmetics Act brings us closer to eliminating the need for animal testing with a historic agreement reached with the Humane Society. You may have read a statement from our Chief Scientist, Alex Kowcz, on the critical public health benefit of sunscreens or testimony from Dr. Jay Ansell, Vice President of Cosmetic Programs, which he delivered before California’s assembly committee on environmental safety. From cosmetics reform and animal testing to sunscreens and ingredient safety, we’ve been actively engaging leaders around the world to ensure policies are rooted in the best available science and to reiterate our commitment to communities far and wide.
We have also made investments to advance our industry’s approach to sustainability—an important industry-wide initiative that our members will hear about during our Annual Meeting next March. Our companies are committed to creating a more beautiful world. PCPC’s sustainability program honors that commitment through our focus on four key areas: dynamic economic growth, exemplary citizenship, environmental stewardship, and ethical and transparent practices.
We value the important role that cosmetics and personal care products have played in the lives of families for generations, and we remain dedicated to advocating for our industry’s ability to deliver safe, quality, and innovative products that enhance consumers health and well-being.
2020 will be an exciting year for the beauty and personal care industry. I look forward to continuing our work together.
Happy Holidays.