Statement by Personal Care Products Council on California Assembly Bill 2491



Tesia Williams (202) 297-1232
Stefanie Harrington (202) 615-6558

Statement by Personal Care Products Council on California Assembly Bill 2491

WASHINGTON—“The Personal Care Products Council’s (PCPC) member companies are committed to creating products that enhance the healthy development of young skin. Dermatologists agree that anti-aging products are generally unnecessary for younger skin, and preteens should look for mild cleansers, hydrating moisturizers and protective sunscreens. While we support the intent of Assembly Bill 2491, introduced by Assemblyman Alex Lee, we believe it is crucial that the bill balances protecting preteens, education and consumer choice.

“As parents and caregivers seek to guide young people’s purchasing decisions, PCPC’s comprehensive database — — can be a valuable resource. It provides critical information about the ingredients used in thousands of cosmetics and personal care products, highlighting how they work and the science behind them. The content is developed and maintained by scientists and other subject matter experts, including dermatologists. Our goal is to ensure parents, caregivers and preteens have access to the information they need to make educated choices about skin care products.

“We look forward to working with California legislators and other stakeholders as AB 2491 makes its way through the legislative process to develop practical and effective regulations. We will continue to advocate for policies that protect young people while preserving choice and industry innovation. Our companies support enhancing self-esteem, not creating needless ‘appearance anxiety’.” 

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Founded in 1894, the Personal Care Products Council (PCPC) is the voice and advocate for 600 member companies representing the global cosmetics and personal care products industry. PCPC’s members represent approximately 90% of the U.S. beauty industry and are some of the most beloved and trusted brands in beauty and personal care today. As the manufacturers, distributors and suppliers of a diverse range of products millions of consumers rely on every day – from sunscreens, toothpaste and shampoo to moisturizer, makeup and fragrance – PCPC’s member companies are global leaders committed to product safety, quality and innovation.