Membership Benefits
PCPC members receive access to invaluable knowledge and expertise that provides an important advantage in this thriving industry through:
- Exclusive webinars, committees and task forces specific to new regulations and laws, including the implementation of the Modernization Cosmetics Regulation Act (MoCRA) of 2022
- A wide range of information about legislative, regulatory, legal, scientific, public affairs and international topics, including substantial discounts on PCPC’s technical and regulatory publications, including the web-based International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary and Handbook (wINCI)
- PCPC events to learn the latest scientific, regulatory, legislative and international developments, and to network with industry colleagues
- PCPC committees to help develop pragmatic programs/solutions for challenges facing the industry
- PCPC’s Certificates of Free Sale program to receive timely documentation for exporting products to countries around the world (additional fees apply)
- News about key issues with member-only newsletters, including targeted newsletters for scientists, legislative and regulatory staff
- PCPC member engagement on key issues before Congress, state legislatures, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and other federal, state and international agencies
- Updates on important regulatory developments in international markets, including developing markets
- Exclusive opportunities to subscribe to valuable databases (additional subscription fees apply):
- InfoBase for easy access to the latest on cosmetics ingredients
- International Regulatory Database (IRDB) for updated information on international cosmetic regulations, labeling requirements and more
Ready to Join? Apply Now
Need more information? Call (202) 454-0310, email our membership team or request additional information.