Everyone deserves the right to know what’s in their products and they also have a right to understand. More than a decade ago, PCPC launched, a comprehensive, informational database containing science and safety information about cosmetics and personal care products – how they work, data to substantiate safety and the science behind commonly used ingredients. Developed and maintained by scientists and technical subject matter experts, is a trusted resource visited each year by millions of women, men and families around the world. includes factual, publicly available scientific information on ingredients most commonly used in cosmetics and personal care products globally. PCPC and our member companies sponsor the website to provide consumers with easily accessible and understandable science and safety information about the products they trust and enjoy every day. By providing more access to information from member companies, and even to industry critics, consumers can make informed choices about the best products for themselves and their families. There is nothing more important than safety. If a consumer can’t believe in a product and rely on it to do what it says, then nothing else matters.